Vaccine Makers Project

Originally produced by Medical History Pictures and sponsored by the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the Vaccine Makers Project has evolved to become the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) is committed to public education about vaccine science via scientifically supported, historically accurate and emotionally compelling content.

To this end, the VMP has developed a variety of school-based curricula to educate students about how the immune system works, how diseases develop and how vaccines work to prevent them, and we’ve partnered with organizations like XVIVO Scientific Animation to realize compelling visual illustrations.

While the immediate goal is to provide teachers with the information and tools necessary to teach this scientific success story, the greater opportunity is not only to immunize our country’s next generation of parents against the misconceptions around vaccine safety, but also to equip them to critically evaluate the multitude of science-based topics central to how we live on and interact with this planet. Only when people understand and consider the scientific underpinnings of relevant topics can we expect that they will be equipped to make informed and logical decisions. Medical History Pictures continues to collaborate with the Vaccine Education Center at CHOP to further develop the Vaccine Makers Project. To see more of our productions visit the Vaccine Makers Project YouTube Channel or explore the free curricula at
